World YMCA President Soheila Hayek visits Singapore

World YMCA President Soheila Hayek visits Singapore

We were blessed to have hosted Ms Soheila Hayek at our premises on Tuesday, 14 March 2023.

Ms Hayek was elected as World YMCA President in July 2022 at the 20th World Council at Aarhus, Denmark.

For the one-day visit, Ms Hayek visited our M.Y World@Bukit Batok West Plains 1 in the morning where she viewed the sustainability efforts of the teachers and children and was also treated to a mini recitation and song presentation by the children.  In the afternoon at our HQ at 60 Stevens Road, Ms Hayek met with the leadership team where there was a brief sharing on the work of Metropolitan YMCA in Singapore and our vision 2025, which was very much in sync with the World YMCA Vision 2030 shared by Ms Hayek. Vision 2030 is a framework for global alignment which allows each of the 120 YMCA National Movements to go at their own pace according to their strengths and their own communities’ needs, in pursuit of common goals.

Ms Hayek also had a brief interaction with staff from our Active Community Transformation Services (ACTS) and Continuing Education and Enrichment (CEE) divisions and even got to try durian, a tropical fruit nicknamed the “king of fruits” which not many visitors are brave enough to try because of its pungent smell.

We were very much encouraged by Ms Hayek’s sharing of her faith in the Lord and her vision for the global Y movement.  We look forward to more opportunities to learn from her and an even stronger global Y movement under her leadership.

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