Appreciating Our Educators

Appreciating Our Educators

We hosted our dedicated instructors from the Continuing Education and Enrichment (CEE) department to an Instructors’ Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, 30 August 2023.  The event was for us to honour and bless our instructors who have faithfully served alongside us for three, five and even ten incredible years. Their unwavering commitment, fervour and proficiency have been an inspiration to us, and have significantly contributed to the intellectual growth and creativity of our young learners.

Our Group CEO, Ms. Grace Chan, Group CFO, Ms. Veronica Chua and Senior General Manager of M.Y World Preschool and Continuing Education & Enrichment, Dr May See were also present to thank our instructors and join in the celebration.

During the event, Ms Chan shared her experiences with how her teachers inspired her to be who she is today. She also shared the ‘3 Ps’ where she hopes the instructors will be inspired by : Passion Purpose and Power.

We also heard from Melanie Ann Rodrigues, a recipient of the 10-year Long Service Award who shared that she felt like a proud mother when she witnessed her young learners develop a sense of self-confidence by being more expressive and developing their own unique creative side. “The sight of their beaming faces is truly priceless”, she added. Melanie is presently teaching at four of our M.Y World Preschool Centres.

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